Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Why Group Homes Need EMAR and Assisted Living Software?

EMAR ( Medication administration record) and Assisted Living software to seem to become incredibly popular in Assisted Living facilities of all types. A comprehensive EMAR and EHR software will save caretakers time, reduce errors, and improve patient interaction by making it more convenient and connected. Both of these traits are not only extremely valuable in terms of their benefits, but they also result in significant cost reductions. Facilities that use specialized technology can decrease redundancy, and research shows that these gains are frequently passed on to patients.

To appreciate the benefits and applications for group homes, you must first grasp assisted living and EMAR.

What Are the Benefits of EMAR and Assisted Living Software for Your Care Facility?

Indeed, when they transition from paper to electronic records, group homes face several challenges. Today's changing environment encompasses complex safety and healthcare requirements, medication management, risk reduction, and increased enforcement emphasis. To overcome this obstacle, you must use the best software. A group home is described as a location or community where handicapped individuals or seniors may live without difficulty. It is important to use software to keep track of them and offer better care for them.

EMARs Make Document Storage Easier

The reduction of clutter is amongst the most apparent and immediate advantages of transitioning to an EMAR system. State regulations differ in how long healthcare institutions must keep patients' medical records, although most require preservation for seven to ten years. Certain hospitals are still using paper health records, no matter how much they are pricey and possibly risky in terms of liability. Well, if you are one of them, have you ever thought about what occurs if there was a fire? Is that paperwork backed up and kept somewhere else? Digitally? Is HIPAA compliance focusing on digital storage? And so forth).

That issue is no longer a concern because of electronic health records. Digital files are not only easier to keep, but they are also easier to search for, sort, and retrieve when needed.

Errors and Delays In The Administration Process Are Reduced.

Medication delivery adheres to the 5 Rights - proper medication, correct dose, right route, and the right time for the right resident. The eMAR program displays a list of Residents for Nurses to choose from, and after the Resident is selected, a list of drugs to be administered shows on the screen. Adherence to these guidelines reduces the possibility of mistakes or delays throughout the administration process.

Charting of Residents

The comprehensive module keeps an eye on healthcare quality, including evaluations (ADL, Fitness, Fall risk, and so on) and the finalization of communications, clinical guidelines, and premium services.

Evaluations of Residents

Resident assessments can be chosen from a range of models and, if necessary, adjusted to each facility/community by utilizing a sophisticated test recording and monitoring module. With no need for paper binders, ADL, Fitness, and Fall risk reports may be generated, saved, and accessible online via the program! It can only be possible with Assisted Living EMAR.

Why Group Homes Need EMAR and Assisted Living Software?

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